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// Bookburro Ajax Panel for GreaseMonkey and Turnabout
// @version 0.18
(C) 2005 Johan Sundstr├╢m (0.13 .. 0.18)
License: Creative Commons "Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0"
Skeletal parts of DOM-Drag by Aaron Boodman, 2001
License: Creative Commons "Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0"
(C) 2005 Reify (0.11r .. 0.12r)
License: Creative Commons "Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0"
(C) 2005 Jesse Andrews, Britt Selvitelle under cc-by-sa (0.01 .. 0.11)
License: Creative Commons "Attribution-ShareAlike 1.0"
Snipits used from RSS Reader for GreaseMonkey
Version: 1.03 (C) 2005 Johannes la Poutre
* 2006-01-09 *
0.18 - Added bookpool.com, contributed by Pallando.
* 2005-11-02 *
0.17 - Added Google Print. Initial preparations for ISBN-13, for Jan. 1, 2007.
* 2005-10-04 *
0.16 - Bugfix for Greasemonkey 0.53 -- for now, only open/close/drag the title
* 2005-10-03 *
0.15 - Added BiggerBooks.com, Bookbyte, Booksamillion.com and eCampus.com
* 2005-10-02 *
0.14 - Made the bookburro window draggable
- Added (one hour) price cache for last seen book
- Added Abebooks, Alibris, biblio.com, cdon.com, exlibris.se and libris.se
- Centralized all (functionally important) code dealing with each store
- Integrated my improvements with the Reified version 0.12r codebase
- Added option to update book URL when fetching price tag
/ Johan Sundstr├╢m, oyasumi+bookburro@gmail.com
* 2005-09-19 *
0.13 - GreaseMonkey 0.6 compatibility fix to get working onclick handlers
- Added AJAX fetching from Powell's Books, figuring they want customers
- Added adlibris.se, akademibokhandeln.se, bokus.com and internetbokhandeln.se
- For kicks, added availability listing at Link├╢ping University library
/ Johan Sundstr├╢m, oyasumi+bookburro@gmail.com
* 2005-06-24 *
0.12x - Added support for alldirect.com
* 2005-06-21 *
0.12r - works when injected before the page has finished loading; fixed price-parsing on Powells.com; removed Powells from list in the Burro box
0.11r - modified by Reify to work in Internet Explorer with Turnabout:
- The price wouldn't render on Amazon for some reason, so we now render with DIVs + SPANs
- Set style in a way that works in IE (element.setAttribute("style", str) doesn't work in IE)
- Moved data: URIs to one place to make the script easier to read
- Show/hide the price table rather than changing the box's dimensions to make code easier to maintain (don't have dimensions scattered throughout)
- Anchored top right icons to the top right instead of top left so their position will update automatically if the box has to be wider
- Branch to use MS or Mozilla XML parser
* 2005-04-25 *
0.11 - improved skin & add link to message if no results
0.10 - bug fix - don't show iframes!
0.09 - bug fix - alert were out of scope, plus a couple visual tweaks
0.08 - bug - use (function(){ code })(); so you don't kill other javascript
0.07 - use AWS to grab amazon's prices
* 2005-04-24 *
0.06 - wasn't checking for ISBN= in the url as well!
0.05 - added Amazon marketplace
0.04 - worked on skin to make it PURTY
0.03 - use AJAX to add the prices
0.02 - Improved interface
0.01 - initial releasea
// ==UserScript==
// @name Book Burro - Remixing the bookstore
// @namespace http://overstimulate.com/userscripts/
// @description Compare book prices from various book stores
// @include http://amazon.com/*
// @include http://www.amazon.com/*
// @include http://www.powells.com/*
// @include http://half.ebay.com/*
// @include http://buy.com/*
// @include http://www.buy.com/*
// @include http://biblio.com/*
// @include http://www.biblio.com/*
// @include http://search.barnesandnoble.com/*
// @include http://barnesandnoble.com/*
// @include http://www.barnesandnoble.com/*
// @include http://www.alldirect.com/*
// @include http://www.bokus.com/*
// @include http://www.internetbokhandeln.se/*
// @include http://www.akademibokhandeln.se/*
// @include http://akademibokhandeln.se/*
// @include http://www.adlibris.se/*
// @include http://*.bibl.liu.se/*
// @include http://www.cdon.com/*
// @include http://www.exlibris.se/*
// @include http://www.libris.se/*
// @include http://www.alibris.com/*
// @include http://bookbyte.com/*
// @include http://www.bookbyte.com/*
// @include http://biggerbooks.com/*
// @include http://www.biggerbooks.com/*
// @include http://ecampus.com/*
// @include http://www.ecampus.com/*
// @include http://www.booksamillion.com/*
// @include http://print.google.com/*
// @include http://www.bookpool.com/*
// @include http://bookpool.com/*
// ==/UserScript==
var debug = 0;
// You are welcome either to put your own affiliate codes and dev keys below,
// or to leave them as is, sponsoring further development of this application
var abebooks_aid = 10395338, abebooks_pid = 1814912;
var amazon_associate_code = 'diaryohayou-20';
var amazon_dev_key = '05GK2S0SFN8G8P5KY482';
var bn_associate_code = 41532291;
var half_associate_code = 1814912; // (CJ PID, really -- not your CJ account number!)
// Of these, only name, id and bookURL are mandatory (but hostname, getISBN, ajaxURL and ajaxPrice are usually needed too).
// name: book store name listed in burro window
// id: a short unique id string for all document nodes related to this book store
// hostname: a hostname regexp used to determine whether to look for ISBNs on this page
// bookURL: address to link the name to, %s being replaced with the ISBN of the book
// getISBN: function run on book store pages to find the book ISBN it's about; returns false (no book), or an ISBN string
// -- or -- regexp applied to the full URL of the page, whose first matched paren pair gives the ISBN of the book shown
// -- defaults to /isbn[\/=]([0-9X]{10})(&|\?|\.|$)/i if omitted
// ajaxURL: address to pick up price for the book whose ISBN is %s, for ajax handler (defaults to bookURL, if not given)
// ajaxData: '' by default; if given, the data to provide with the ajax request body, %s replaced with the ISBN of the book
// ajaxMethod: POST by default (if not given); which HTTP method to access the above
// ajaxHeaders: HTTP headers for the AJAX request. Adds a Content-Type: 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded' header for all
// POST requests missing a content-type declaration.
// ajaxPrice: function run on fetched AJAX page to get book price; returns false (not found) or a price and currency string
// or an associative array from store id to price and currency string, when one AJAX request can get many prices
// -- or -- regexp (or string form, the latter mostly useful avoid quoting /:s) whose first paren picks up the book price
// -- or -- false, in which case no xmlHTTPRequest is ever made (for instance because some other handler finds the price)
// priceFix: if ajaxPrice was a string and this function is provided, the resulting price is fed through the callback
// updateURL: if provided, a function run on the fetched AJAX page, to get a new (or proper) URL for the book link
var handlers = [
{ name: 'Abebooks.com', id: 'abebooks', hostname: /\babebooks.com$/i, getISBN: /(?:isbn|bi)=([0-9X]{10})(&|\?|$)/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.abebooks.com/servlet/SearchResults?isbn=%s&pid='+ abebooks_pid +'&aid='+ abebooks_aid,
ajaxPrice: /<span class="price">\D*(\$[^<]*)/i },
{ name: 'Ad Libris', id: 'alse', hostname: /\badlibris\.se$/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.adlibris.se/shop/product.asp?isbn=%s',
ajaxMethod: 'GET',
ajaxPrice: function( html, http )
if( html.match( 'Ingen titel med detta ISBN finns hos AdLibris.' ) )
return '';
//return SEK( html.match( '<span class="price">([^<]*)<' )[1] );
return html.match('class="price">([^<]*)<' )[1];
} },
{ name: 'Akademibokhandeln', id: 'abse', hostname: /\bakademibokhandeln\.se$/i,
getISBN: nextSameTagAfter( 'td', '^ISBN' ),
updateURL: firstLinkTo( 'cc_artikel.visa_artikelkort', 'http://www.akademibokhandeln.se/db/caweb/' ),
bookURL: 'http://www.akademibokhandeln.se/db/caweb/sok.avanc_artiklar?mtitel=exact&cisbn=%s',
ajaxPrice: /<span class="pris">\s*([^<]*)</i, priceFix: SEK },
{ name: 'Alibris', id: 'alibris', hostname: /\balibris\.com$/i,
getISBN: nextTagAfter( 'b', 'ISBN:' ),
bookURL: 'http://www.alibris.com/search/search.cfm', ajaxData: 'S=R&qisbn=%s',
updateURL: firstLinkTo( '/search/detail.cfm?', 'http://www.alibris.com' ),
ajaxPrice: /<span class="red-price"><b>([^<]*)</i },
{ name: 'AllDirect.com', id:'alldirect', hostname: /\balldirect\.com$/i,
getISBN: nextTagAfter( 'b', 'ISBN:' ),
bookURL: 'http://www.alldirect.com/book.asp?&isbn=%s',
ajaxPrice: 'All Direct\x27s[^P]*Price[^\$]*([^<]*)<' },
{ name: 'Amazon', id: 'amazon', hostname: /\bamazon\.com$/i,
getISBN: function() {
if( location.href.match( 'rate-this' ) ) return;
return location.href.match( /\/([0-9X]{10})(\/|\?|$)/i )[1];
bookURL: 'http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/%s/'+ amazon_associate_code,
ajaxURL: 'http://xml.amazon.com/onca/xml3?t='+ amazon_associate_code +'&dev-t='+ amazon_dev_key +'&type=lite&f=xml&mode=books&AsinSearch=%s',
ajaxPrice: function( html, http )
var xml = str2xml( html );
var our = xml.getElementsByTagName( 'OurPrice' );
var used = xml.getElementsByTagName( 'UsedPrice' );
return { amazon: our.length && our[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue || '',
amazon_used: used.length && used[0].childNodes[0].nodeValue || '' };
} },
{ name: 'Amazon (used)', id: 'amazon_used', ajaxPrice: false,
bookURL: 'http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect?tag='+ amazon_associate_code +'&path=tg/stores/offering/list/-/%s/all/' },
{ name: 'Barnes & Noble', id: 'bn', hostname: /\bbarnesandnoble\.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://service.bfast.com/bfast/click?bfmid=2181&sourceid='+ bn_associate_code +'&bfpid=%s&bfmtype=book',
ajaxURL: 'http://search.barnesandnoble.com/booksearch/isbninquiry.asp?isbn=%s',
ajaxPrice: 'priceRightBNPrice[^>]*>([^<]*)</' },
{ name: 'BestPrices.com', id: 'bestprices', hostname: /\bbestprices\.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/' + bn_associate_code,
getISBN: function() {
return location.href.match( /vlink\/(.*)/i )[1];
ajaxURL: 'http://www.bestprices.com/cgi-bin/vlink/%s',
ajaxPrice: /Our Price:[^\$]*([^<]*)</,
ajaxMethod: 'GET'
{ name: 'Biblio.com', id: 'biblio', hostname: /\bbiblio\.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.biblio.com/isbn/%s.html', ajaxMethod: 'GET',
//ajaxPrice: /<div[^>]*>\s*((?:$|$)\S+)\s*</i
ajaxPrice: /<div[^>]*>\s*$([^<]*)/i
{ name: 'BiggerBooks.com', id: 'biggerbooks', hostname: /\bbiggerbooks\.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-'+ half_associate_code +'-9467039?ISBN=%s',
ajaxURL: 'http://www.biggerbooks.com/bk_detail.asp?ISBN=%s', ajaxMethod: 'GET',
//ajaxPrice: /<span class='price'>([^<]+)/
ajaxPrice: /Our Price <span class='price'>([^<]+)/
{ name: 'Bokus.com', id: 'bokus', hostname: /\bbokus\.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.bokus.com/b/%s.html',
ajaxURL: 'http://www.bokus.com/cgi-bin/book_search.cgi?FAST_VALUE=ISBN&FAST=%s',
ajaxPrice: '<span class="price"[^>]*>([^<]*)<', ajaxMethod: 'GET'
//, priceFix: SEK
{ name: 'Bookbyte', id: 'bookbyte_new', hostname: /\bbookbyte\.com$/i,
//getISBN: function(){ return document.getElementById('lbIsbn').textContent; },
bookURL: 'http://www.kqzyfj.com/click-'+ half_associate_code +
ajaxURL: 'http://www.bookbyte.com/product.aspx?isbn=%s',
ajaxMethod: 'GET',
ajaxPrice: function( html, http ) {
var prices = { bookbyte_new: html.match( '<span id="lbNewPrice">(?:<[^>]*>)*([^<]*)' ),
bookbyte_used: html.match( '<span id="lbUsedPrice">(?:<[^>]*>)*([^<]*)' ),
bookbyte_bazaar: html.match( '<a href="#Bazaar_Bookmark" class=price-red-14>([^<]*)' ) }, i;
for( i in prices )
prices[i] = prices[i] ? unHTML( prices[i][1] ).replace( /[^$.0-9]/g, '' ) : '';
return prices;
ajaxPrice: '<span id="ctl00_ContentPlaceHolder1_lbNewPrice">New <a class="one"[^>]*>([^<]*)<'
{ name: 'Bookbyte (used)', id: 'bookbyte_used', ajaxPrice: false, bookURL: 'http://www.kqzyfj.com/click-'+
half_associate_code +'-10365617?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bookbyte.com%2Fproduct.aspx%3Fisbn%3D%s' },
{ name: 'Bookbyte (bazaar)', id: 'bookbyte_bazaar', ajaxPrice: false, bookURL: 'http://www.kqzyfj.com/click-'+
half_associate_code +'-10365617?url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.bookbyte.com%2Fproduct.aspx%3Fisbn%3D%s' },
{ name: 'Bookpool.com', id: 'bookpool', hostname: /\bbookpool.com$/i,
getISBN: /(?:qs|is|sm)[\/=]([0-9X]{10})(&|\?|\.|$)/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.bookpool.com/sm/%s',
ajaxPrice: /Our\s+Price:?(?:<[^>]*>\s*)*([^<]+)/i },
{ name: 'Booksamillion.com', id: 'bamm', hostname: /\bbooksamillion\.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.dpbolvw.net/click-'+ half_associate_code +'-42121?isbn=%s', // /<B>Our\s+Price:\s*([^<]+)/i
ajaxURL: 'http://www.booksamillion.com/ncom/books?type=isbn&find=%s', ajaxMethod: 'GET',
ajaxPrice: function( html, http ){ return '$' + html.match( /Our\s+Price:\s*\$?([^<]+)/i )[1]; } },
{ name: 'Buy.com', id: 'buy', hostname: /\bbuy\.com$/i,
getISBN: function(){
var s = document.title.match( /ISBN ([0-9X]{10}) -/i )[1];
if(!s) s = document.title.match( /ISBN ([0-9]{13}) -/i )[1];
return s;
bookURL: 'http://www.buy.com/retail/GlobalSearchAction.asp?qu=%s',
//ajaxPrice: 'productPrice[^>]*>([^<]*)</'
ajaxPrice: 'Our Price:[^\$]*([^<]*)</'
{ name: 'CDON.com', id: 'cdon', hostname: /\bcdon\.com$/i,
getISBN: nextSameTagAfter( 'td', 'ISBN:' ), updateURL: function( html, http ) {
return 'http://www.cdon.com/' + unHTML(html.match( /<a href=.(product\.phtml\?prod=\d+)/ )[1]);
}, bookURL: 'http://www.cdon.com/search_result.phtml?ed_search_value=%s&sl_search_field=books_isbn',
ajaxPrice: '<td[^>]* class=\'priceMedium\'[^>]*>([^<]*)<', ajaxMethod: 'GET', priceFix: SEK },
{ name: 'eCampus.com', id: 'ecampus', hostname: /\becampus.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://www.anrdoezrs.net/click-'+ half_associate_code +'-5029466?ISBN=%s',
ajaxURL: 'http://www.ecampus.com/bk_detail.asp?ISBN=%s',
ajaxMethod: 'GET',
//ajaxPrice: /Our\s+Price\s*<font[^>]*>([^<]+)/i
ajaxPrice: /New Price[^\$]*([^<]*)</i
{ name: 'Ex Libris', id: 'exlibris', hostname: /\bexlibris\.se$/i,
getISBN: nextSameTagAfter( 'span', 'ISBN:' ), updateURL: function( html, http ) {
return 'http://www.exlibris.se/' + unHTML(html.match( '<form [^>]* action="([^"]*)' )[1]);
}, bookURL: 'http://www.exlibris.se/advancedsearch.aspx?%s', ajaxMethod: 'GET',
ajaxURL: 'http://www.exlibris.se/searchresult.aspx?TYPE=Simple&SEARCH_FIELD=2&SEARCH_FIELD_TEXT=ISBN&SEARCH_VALUE=%s&SHOW_IMAGES=true',
ajaxPrice: /<span id="ctrlProductDetails_lblPrice">([^<]+)</, priceFix: SEK
{ name: 'Google Print', id: 'googleprint', hostname: /print\.google\.com$/i,
bookURL: 'http://print.google.com/print?as_isbn=%s',
getISBN: function() {
var re = new RegExp( 'https?://www.google.com/pagead/ads\\?.*' +
'&channel=[^&]*BTB-ISBN:([0-9X]{10})', 'i' );
return firstDocumentLinkMatching( re, 1 );
}, updateURL: firstLinkTo( 'http://print.google.com/print?', '' ),
ajaxPrice: function( html, http ) {
var re = new RegExp( '<a(?:[^>]*) href=["\']?' +
'https?://print.google.com/print\\?' +
'[^"\']*&sig=', 'i' );
return html.match( re ) != null;
} },
{ name: 'Half.com', id: 'half', hostname: /\bhalf\.ebay\.com$/i,
getISBN: nextTagAfter( 'b', 'ISBN:' ),
bookURL: 'http://www.kqzyfj.com/click-'+ half_associate_code +'-1932276?ISBN=%s',
ajaxURL: 'http://half.ebay.com/search/search.jsp?product=books:isbn&query=%s',
ajaxPrice: 'Best[^P]*Price[^$]*([^<]*)<' },
{ name: 'Internetbokhandeln', id: 'ibse', hostname: /\binternetbokhandeln\.se$/i,
getISBN: /(?:\/bok|&s_search=)([0-9Xx]{10})(\.html)?(\?|$)/, updateURL: function( html, http )
return 'http://www.internetbokhandeln.se' + unHTML(html.match('<a href="?(/[^"]*FIXME/bok[0-9xX]{10}\\.html)')[1]);
}, bookURL: 'http://www.internetbokhandeln.se/_114K3FPUVX/msearchres.html?s_sortby=b&s_media=ALL&s_type=i&s_search=%s',
ajaxMethod: 'GET', ajaxPrice: '<span class=price>([^<]*)<', priceFix: SEK },
{ name: 'Libris Media', id: 'librismedia', hostname: /\blibris\.se$/i,
getISBN: function(){ return document.body.innerHTML.match( /<span class=[^>]*>\s*ISBN ([0-9X]{10})/mi )[1]; },
updateURL: firstLinkTo( 'Browse_Item_Details.asp', 'http://www.libris.se/stores_app/' ),
bookURL: 'http://www.libris.se/stores_app/Browse_dept_items.asp?Store_id=102&fran=sok',
ajaxData: 'SEARCH_SKU=%s&SEARCH_DEPT=-1&Search_Store.x=36&Search_Store.y=7',
ajaxPrice: [/<span class="normal2">Pris:.*?<span[^>]*>(\d+)(,\d\d)? *kr</mi,
/<b>\s*Libris l\345gpris (\d+)(,\d\d)? *kr/mi,
/<span class="fakta">\s*(\d+)(,\d\d)? *kr/mi], priceFix: SEK },
{ name: 'LiU Library', id: 'liubibl', hostname: /\bbibl\.liu\.se$/i,
getISBN: nextSameTagAfter( 'a', 'ISBN/ISSN:' ),
bookURL: 'http://hip.bibl.liu.se/ipac20/ipac.jsp?menu=search&index=ISBN&term=%s',
ajaxPrice: function( html, http )
var book, inne = 0, ute = 0;
while( book = /<tr height="15">(.*?)<\/tr>/gi.exec( html ) )
if( !book[1].match( /referens/i ) )
if( book[1].match( /tillg|reserverad/i ) )
if( inne+ute )
html = inne;
if( ute )
return html + ' (of '+(inne+ute)+')';
return html + ' in';
} },
{ name: 'Powell\'s Books', id: 'powells', hostname: /\bpowells.com$/i,
getISBN: function()
var dt = document.getElementsByTagName( 'dt' ), i;
for( i=0; i<dt.length; i++ )
if( dt[i].innerHTML.match( 'ISBN:' ) &&
checkISBN( dt[i].nextSibling.title ) )
return dt[i].nextSibling.title;
getISBN: function()
return location.href.match( /isbn=(.*)/i )[1]);
getISBN: function()
return location.href.match(/inkey=[^\-]*-([^\-]*)-/)[1] ||
location.href.match(/isbn=(.*)/)[1] ||
bookURL: 'http://www.powells.com/cgi-bin/biblio?isbn=%s',
ajaxPrice: '<div class="price">([^<]*)<'
var hasFetched = false;
var Icons =
title: '',
about: '',
carrotRight: '',
carrotDown: '',
close: ''
function quoteRegExp( re )
return re.replace( /([.*+^$?(){}\[\]\\])/g, '\\$1' );
function regexpify( stringOrRegExp, flags, quote )
if( (typeof stringOrRegExp == 'function') && stringOrRegExp.exec )
return stringOrRegExp;
if( quote ) stringOrRegExp = quoteRegExp( stringOrRegExp );
return new RegExp( stringOrRegExp, flags );
function firstDocumentLinkMatching( re, paren )
var x, i;
for( i=0; i<document.links.length; i++ )
if( (x = re.exec( document.links[i].href )) )
return x[paren]; // should perhaps backtrack up to parent TR, get its
// previous sibling and verify that its contentText == 'Buy this Book'
// AJAX callback returning the first <a href="..."> link to a page whose URL starts with `url'.
// baseURL is prepended to the returned result, so passing "/search?" and "http://example.com"
// might yield a link to "http://example.com/search?isbn=0596000480", if the page contained it.
function firstLinkTo( url, baseURL )
return function( html, http )
return baseURL + unHTML(html.match( '<a(?:[^>]*) href=["\']?('+ quoteRegExp( url ) +'[^\'" >]*)' )[1]);
function nextTagAfter( tag, content )
return function()
var tags = document.getElementsByTagName( tag ), i, node, isbn;
for( i=0; i<tags.length; i++ )
if( tags[i].innerHTML.match( content ) )
for( j=tags[i].nextSibling; j=j.nextSibling; )
if( (isbn = j.textContent.replace( /-/g, '' ).match( /[0-9X]{10}/i )) )
return isbn[0];
function nextSameTagAfter( tag, content )
return function()
var isbn, i, tags = document.getElementsByTagName( tag );
for( i=0; i<tags.length-1; i++ )
if( tags[i].innerHTML.match( content ) &&
(isbn = tags[i+1].innerHTML.match( /[0-9X]{10}/i )) &&
(isbn = checkISBN( isbn && isbn[0] )) )
return isbn;
function unHTML( html )
return html.replace( /&(amp|lt|gt|quot|apos|#(\d+));/g, function( match, character, code )
return { amp:'&', lt:'<', gt:'>', quot:'"', apos:'\'' }[character] || String.fromCharCode( code );
function SEK( price ){ return price.replace( /:-|kr| /gi, '' ) +' SEK'; }
// document.getElementById() on steroids (ask for several ids, and you get them back as an array)
function $( ids, doc )
if( typeof ids == 'string' )
return (doc || document).getElementById( ids );
for( var i=0; i<ids.length; i++ )
ids[i] = (doc || document).getElementById( ids[i] );
return ids;
// price cache since last seen book, one day expiry time
var last_isbn = PRO_getValue( 'last_isbn', '' );
//PRO_setValue( 'last_run', '0' );
var last_run = PRO_getValue( 'last_run', '0' );
var last_prices = PRO_getValue( 'last_prices', '' );
//alert( 'last_run:'+last_run+'\nsaved:\n\n' + last_prices );
function getPrices( isbn )
var now = (new Date).getTime();
//alert( isbn +':'+ last_isbn +'\n'+ (now-parseInt( last_run )) +'\n' + last_prices );
if( (isbn != last_isbn) || (now-parseInt( last_run ) > 36e5) ||
(last_prices.split( '\n' ).length != handlers.length) ) return false;
return decodePrices( last_prices );
var prices = {};
function updateCache( isbn, store, price )
var now = (new Date).getTime(), got = 0, i, h;
if( (isbn != last_isbn) || (now - parseInt( last_run ) > 864e5) )
prices = {};
last_isbn = isbn;
last_run = now.toString();
prices[store] = price;
for( i in prices ) got++;
if( got == handlers.length )
//alert( encodePrices( prices ) );
PRO_setValue( 'last_prices', last_prices = encodePrices( prices ) );
PRO_setValue( 'last_isbn', isbn );
PRO_setValue( 'last_run', last_run );
;//alert( got +'/' + handlers.length );
function decodePrices( stored )
var prices = {}, i, raw = (stored||'').split( '\n' );
for( i=0; i<raw.length; i++ )
var data = raw[i].split( ':' );
prices[data.shift()] = data.join( ':' );
return prices;
function encodePrices( prices )
var i, raw = [];
for( i in prices )
raw.push( i +':'+ prices[i] );
return raw.join( '\n' );
function updatePrices( prices, isbn )
var id, node, price, data, errmsg =
'Oops! Either there are no books available,\\n' +
'or there is a parsing error due to changes\\n' +
'in to this website\\\'s page format.';
for( id in prices )
if( (node = document.getElementById( 'burro_'+id )) )
if( debug ) PRO_log( id +' price set to '+ prices[id] );
data = (prices[id] || '').split( ':' );
if( (price = data.shift()) )
node.firstChild.nodeValue = price;
if( data.length )
updateURL( id, data.join( ':' ) );
node.innerHTML = '<a style="text-decoration:none;color:#00A;" href="javascript:alert(\''+ errmsg +'\');">none</a>';
if( isbn )
updateCache( isbn, id, price );
function findHeader( headers, name )
var i, found;
name = regexpify( name, 'i', 'quote' );
for( i in headers )
if( i.match( name ) )
return headers[i];
function runQueries( isbn )
var j, request, callback, prices = debug ? false : getPrices( isbn );
if( prices ) return updatePrices( prices ); // already cached
for(var i=0; i<handlers.length; i++ )
var h = handlers[i];
PRO_log('Query ' + h.id + ' for isbn ' + isbn);
if( h.ajaxPrice != false )
if( debug )
PRO_log( h.id +': '+ (h.ajaxMethod||'POST')+'( '+(h.ajaxURL||h.bookURL) + ' )' );
request = { method:h.ajaxMethod||'POST', data:(h.ajaxData||'').replace( /%s/g, isbn ),
onload:makeAjaxCallback( h, isbn ), url:(h.ajaxURL||h.bookURL).replace( /%s/g, isbn ) };
if( h.ajaxHeaders ) request.headers = h.ajaxHeaders;
if( (request.method == 'POST') && !findHeader( request.headers = request.headers || {}, 'Content-Type' ) )
request.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
PRO_xmlhttpRequest( request );
go(h, isbn);
function go(h, isbn)
var xmlhttp = PRO_xmlhttpRequest();
var method = h.ajaxMethod || 'POST';
var url = (h.ajaxURL||h.bookURL).replace( /%s/g, isbn );
var data = (h.ajaxData||'').replace( /%s/g, isbn );
var headers = h.ajaxHeaders;
xmlhttp.open(method, url, true);
if(method == 'POST' && !findHeader( headers || {}, 'Content-Type' ) )
xmlhttp.setRequestHeader('Content-Type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded');
if(method == 'POST') xmlhttp.send(data);
else xmlhttp.send(null);
xmlhttp.onreadystatechange = function(){
if(xmlhttp.readyState == 4) makeAjaxCallback(h, isbn)(xmlhttp);
function updateURL( id, url )
document.getElementById( 'burro_book_' + id ).href = url;
function makeAjaxCallback( handler, isbn)
var callback = handler.ajaxPrice;
if(debug) PRO_log('Callback for ' + handler.name + ':' + (typeof callback));
switch( typeof callback )
case 'function':
if( !callback.exec )
break; // callback is already our proper callback
// fall-through -- it was a regexp:
case 'string':
callback = function( html, http )
var x = html.match( handler.ajaxPrice );
var price = html.match( handler.ajaxPrice )[1].replace( / /g, '' );
if( debug > 2 ) PRO_log( 'found raw '+ handler.id +'price '+ price );
if( price ) price = unHTML( price );
if( price && handler.priceFix ) price = handler.priceFix( price );
return price;
case 'object': // array of string or regexp
callback = function( html, http )
var i, price, regexps = handler.ajaxPrice;
for( i=0; i<regexps.length; i++ )
if( (price = html.match( regexps[i] )) )
price = price[1];
if( debug > 2 ) PRO_log( 'found raw '+ handler.id +' price '+ price +' for regexp '+ regexps[i] );
if( price && handler.priceFix ) price = handler.priceFix( price );
return price;
} else {
if( (price = html.match(handler.ajaxPrice)) )
price = price[1];
if( price && handler.priceFix ) price = handler.priceFix( price );
return price;
alert( 'Price handler for '+ handler.name +' (id '+ handler.id +
') is of illegal type '+ (typeof callback) +'! Ignoring.' );
// fall-through:
case 'boolean':
callback = function(){};
return function( xmlHttpResponse )
if( debug ) with( xmlHttpResponse )
PRO_log( 'Status ' + status+' '+statusText + ': '+ responseText.length +' bytes' );
var failure = false, prices = {}, result = '', node, id, price;
try {
result = callback( xmlHttpResponse.responseText, xmlHttpResponse ) || '';
} catch (e) {
failure = true;
if( debug )
PRO_log( 'Failed to load or parse '+ handler.name +' (id '+ handler.id +'): ' +e );
//if( debug && handler.id == 'ecampus')
PRO_log( 'Response from ' + handler.id + ':' + xmlHttpResponse.responseText );
if( handler.updateURL )
try {
var url = handler.updateURL( xmlHttpResponse.responseText, xmlHttpResponse );
if( url )
updateURL( handler.id, url );
} catch( e ) {}
if( typeof result == 'string' ) // a price tag
if( url ) result += ':' + url; // a new book URL to link
prices[handler.id] = result;
else if( typeof result == 'boolean' ) // availability info only
if( url ) result += ':' + url; // a new book URL to link
prices[handler.id] = result ? 'available' : 'unavailable';
prices = result;
updatePrices( prices, isbn );
function checkEAN( ean )
try {
ean = (ean||'').replace( /-| | /gi, '' );
if( ean.length != 13 ) return false;
var checksum = 0;
for( var i=0; i<12; i++ )
checksum += ean.charAt(i) * (i&1 ? 3 : 1);
checksum = (10 - (checksum % 10)) % 10;
if( ean.charAt(12) == checksum )
return ean;
if( debug ) PRO_log( 'EAN '+ean+ ' failed checksum.' );
return false;
catch (e)
if( debug ) PRO_log( 'checkEAN: '+ e );
return false;
function checkISBN( isbn )
try {
isbn = (isbn||'').toLowerCase().replace( /-| | /g, '' );
if( isbn.length == 13) return true;
if( isbn.length != 10 ) return false;
var checksum = 0;
for( var i=0; i<9; i++ )
if( isbn.charAt(i) == 'x' )
checksum += 10 * (i+1);
checksum += isbn.charAt(i) * (i+1);
checksum = checksum % 11;
if( checksum == 10 ) checksum = 'x';
if( isbn.charAt(9) == checksum )
return isbn;
if( debug ) PRO_log( 'ISBN '+isbn+ ' failed checksum.' );
return false;
catch (e)
if( debug ) PRO_log( 'checkISBN: '+ e );
return false;
function dom_createLink( url, txt, title, id )
var a = document.createElement( 'a' );
if( id ) a.id = id;
a.setAttribute( 'target', '_top' );
a.setAttribute( 'href', url );
with( a.style )
color = '#00A';
textDecoration = 'none';
fontWeight = 'bold';
if( title ) a.setAttribute( 'title', title );
a.appendChild( document.createTextNode( txt ) );
return a;
function addSite( url, title, loc_id )
var tr = document.createElement( 'div' );
var td_left = document.createElement( 'span' );
var a = dom_createLink( url, title, title+' Search', 'burro_book_'+loc_id );
td_left.style.paddingLeft = '5px';
td_left.appendChild( a );
tr.appendChild( td_left );
var td_right = document.createElement( 'span' );
td_right.innerHTML = 'fetching';
td_right.style.paddingRight = '5px';
td_right.id = 'burro_' + loc_id;
tr.appendChild( td_right );
if( document.all ) // IE only
tr.style.position = 'relative';
td_right.style.textAlign = 'right';
td_right.style.position = 'absolute';
td_right.style.left = '10em';
td_right.style.width = '4em';
else // other browsers
tr.style.display = 'table-row';
td_left.style.display = 'table-cell';
td_right.style.display = 'table-cell';
return tr;
function str2xml( strXML )
if( window.ActiveXObject )
var domdoc = new ActiveXObject( 'Microsoft.XMLDOM' );
domdoc.async = 'false';
domdoc.loadXML( strXML );
return domdoc;
var objDOMParser = new DOMParser();
return objDOMParser.parseFromString( strXML, 'text/xml' );
function int2money( cents )
var money = '$'
if( cents < 100 )
money = money + '0.';
money = money + Math.floor( cents/100 ) + '.';
cents = cents % 100;
if( cents < 10 )
money = money + '0';
money = money + cents;
return money;
var Drag = function(){ this.init.apply( this, arguments ); };
Drag.fixE = function( e )
if( typeof e == 'undefined' ) e = window.event;
if( typeof e.layerX == 'undefined' ) e.layerX = e.offsetX;
if( typeof e.layerY == 'undefined' ) e.layerY = e.offsetY;
return e;
Drag.prototype.init = function( handle, dragdiv )
this.div = dragdiv || handle;
this.handle = handle;
if( isNaN(parseInt(this.div.style.right )) ) this.div.style.right = '0px';
if( isNaN(parseInt(this.div.style.bottom)) ) this.div.style.bottom = '0px';
this.onDragStart = function(){};
this.onDragEnd = function(){};
this.onDrag = function(){};
this.onClick = function(){};
//this.mouseDown = addEventHandler( this.handle, 'mousedown', this.start, this );
Drag.prototype.start = function( e )
// this.mouseUp = addEventHandler( this.handle, 'mouseup', this.end, this );
e = Drag.fixE( e );
this.started = new Date();
var y = this.startY = parseInt(this.div.style.bottom);
var x = this.startX = parseInt(this.div.style.right);
this.onDragStart( x, y );
this.lastMouseX = e.clientX;
this.lastMouseY = e.clientY;
//this.documentMove = addEventHandler( document, 'mousemove', this.drag, this );
this.documentStop = addEventHandler( document, 'mouseup', this.end, this );
if( e.preventDefault ) e.preventDefault();
return false;
Drag.prototype.drag = function( e )
e = Drag.fixE( e );
var ey = e.clientY;
var ex = e.clientX;
var y = parseInt(this.div.style.bottom);
var x = parseInt(this.div.style.right );
var nx = x - ex + this.lastMouseX;
var ny = y - ey + this.lastMouseY;
this.div.style.right = nx + 'px';
this.div.style.bottom = ny + 'px';
this.lastMouseX = ex;
this.lastMouseY = ey;
this.onDrag( nx, ny );
if( e.preventDefault ) e.preventDefault();
return false;
Drag.prototype.end = function()
//removeEventHandler( document, 'mousemove', this.documentMove );
removeEventHandler( document, 'mouseup', this.documentStop );
var time = (new Date()) - this.started;
var x = parseInt(this.div.style.right), dx = this.startX - x;
var y = parseInt(this.div.style.bottom), dy = this.startY - y;
this.onDragEnd( x, y, dx, dy, time );
if( (dx*dx + dy*dy) < (4*4) && time < 1e3 )
this.onClick( x, y, dx, dy, time );
function removeEventHandler( target, eventName, eventHandler )
if( target.addEventListener )
target.removeEventListener( eventName, eventHandler, true );
else if( target.attachEvent )
target.detachEvent( 'on' + eventName, eventHandler );
function addEventHandler( target, eventName, eventHandler, scope )
var f = scope ? function(){ eventHandler.apply( scope, arguments ); } : eventHandler;
if( target.addEventListener )
target.addEventListener( eventName, f, true );
else if( target.attachEvent )
target.attachEvent( 'on' + eventName, f );
return f;
function burro( location, isbn )
if( debug > 1 ) PRO_log( 'adding burro' );
var handle = document.createElement( 'div' );
var root = document.createElement( 'div' );
var box = document.createElement( 'div' ), i, h;
with( root.style )
position = 'absolute';
top = right = '15px';
handle.style.padding = '4px';
handle.title = 'Click title to expand, collapse or drag';
with( box.style )
position = 'relative';
zIndex = '1000';
backgroundColor = '#FFC';
border = '1px solid orange';
padding = '0px';
textAlign = 'left';
font = '8pt sans-serif';
width = '240px';
marginBottom = '15px';
opacity = '0.93';
filter = 'alpha(opacity=90)';
var carrot = document.createElement( 'img' );
carrot.style.top = '-10px';
carrot.src = Icons.carrotRight;
carrot.id = 'hide_show_carrot';
handle.appendChild( carrot );
var title_image = document.createElement( 'img' );
title_image.style.marginLeft = '6px';
title_image.src = Icons.title;
handle.appendChild( title_image );
var close = document.createElement( 'img' );
close.src = Icons.close;
with( close.style )
position = 'absolute';
right = '3px';
top = '3px';
margin = '2px';
width = '12px';
height = '12px';
backgroundColor = '#FFB';
border = 'none';
lineHeight = '8px';
textAlign = 'center';
close.setAttribute( 'title', 'Click to remove' );
addEventHandler( close, 'click', function(){ document.body.removeChild( root ); } );
handle.appendChild( close );
var about = document.createElement( 'a' );
var about_img = document.createElement( 'img' );
about_img.src = Icons.about;
about_img.style.border = 'none';
about.appendChild( about_img );
with( about.style )
position = 'absolute';
right = '18px';
top = '3px';
margin = '2px';
width = '12px';
height = '12px';
backgroundColor = '#FFB';
lineHeight = '12px';
textAlign = 'center';
textDecoration = 'none';
about.title = 'OverStimulate / modified by Reify and Johan Sundstr├╢m';
about.href = 'http://overstimulate.com/articles/2005/04/24/greasemonkey-book-burro-find-cheap-books';
handle.appendChild( about );
box.appendChild( handle );
var table = document.createElement( 'div' );
with( table.style )
marginTop = '1px';
marginBottom = '3px';
padding = '0';
width = '100%';
font = '10pt sans-serif';
display = 'none';
table.id = 'bookburro-pricesTable';
for( i=0; i<handlers.length; i++ )
h = handlers[i];
table.appendChild( addSite( h.bookURL.replace( /%s/g, isbn ), h.name, h.id ) );
box.appendChild( table );
var zip = function()
box.opened = !box.opened;
var pricesTable = document.getElementById( 'bookburro-pricesTable' );
var carrot = document.getElementById( 'hide_show_carrot' );
if( box.opened ) // pricesTable.style.display == 'none'
if( !hasFetched ) runQueries( isbn );
hasFetched = true;
pricesTable.style.display = document.all ? 'block' : 'table';
carrot.src = Icons.carrotDown;
pricesTable.style.display = 'none';
carrot.src = Icons.carrotRight;
//addEventHandler( box, 'click', zip );
root.appendChild( box );
document.body.appendChild( root );
//handle.drag = new Drag( handle, box );
//handle.drag.onClick = zip;
if( debug > 1 ) PRO_log( 'added burro' );
function init()
var i, h, getISBN, isbn;
for( i=0; i<handlers.length; i++ )
h = handlers[i];
if( h.hostname && location.hostname.match( h.hostname ) )
try {
if( debug ) PRO_log( h.name +' matched at '+ location.hostname );
getISBN = h.getISBN || /isbn[\/=]([0-9X]{10})(&|\?|\.|$)/i || /ISBN[\/=]([0-9X]{10})(&|\?|\.|$)/i;
switch( typeof getISBN )
case 'string':
getISBN = new RegExp( getISBN );
// fall-through
case 'function':
case 'object':
if( getISBN.exec ) // a regexp
var rx = getISBN;
getISBN = function(){ return location.href.match( rx )[1]; };
isbn = getISBN();
alert( 'getISBN handler for '+ h.name +' (id '+ h.id +
') is of illegal type '+ (typeof getISBN) +'! Ignoring.' );
if( (isbn = checkISBN( isbn )) ){
burro( h.id, isbn );
else if( debug )
PRO_log( 'Failed to find ISBN for '+ h.name +' (id '+ h.id +')' );
} catch (e) { if( debug ) PRO_log( e ); }
// addEventHandler(document, 'load', init);